Augmented vs Virtual Reality: Which one is the Most Suitable Option for Your Business Idea?

Are you wondering how augmented and virtual reality can impact your business? Before selecting the best option for your business, let’s first understand what are AR and VR. 

Augmented Reality for Businesses

With time and age, the interest in augmented reality is exploding as it holds tremendous promise for revolutionizing the way businesses perform their operations. AR is projected to be an economic driver for the tech industry. According to Juniper's research, the AR market will increase by $26.1 billion by 2022. 

All companies today share a common goal of attracting customers to use their services or for purchasing new products. To reach the goal efficiently businesses need to engage their audience meaningfully. Augmented reality app development more deeply engages customers by immersing them in an enhanced environment. Let’s take a deep dive into its use cases that will help us understand the new opportunities for a vast amount of markets and spheres.

  - AR in Job Training 

AR is preferred by employers worldwide for hand-on training and education processes. Many augmented reality software companies help you build smart solutions that let technicians launch virtual demonstrations straight from the devices. It eliminates the need to read the manual for every step, thus, increases the efficiency of learners by 30%.

  - AR in E-Commerce 

AR in the e-commerce industry is a great way to generate ROI and improve engagement with their brand. For instance, Lacoste AR mobile app not only gives content to their customers but also offers a chance to interact with it. It lets people try shoes virtually and make up their minds before making the purchase. It reduces cart abandonment rates.

Virtual Reality for Businesses 

Virtual reality hit mainstream businesses differently. Already companies are embracing the opportunities supported by this amazing technology. A research from Tractica states that the annual spending on VR will reach up to 9.2 billion in 2021. 

AR offers every business the chance to reinvent its business strategies. It acts as a smart marketing tool that opens new possibilities for showcasing products and services. Rather than visiting physical stores, customers can put on a headset and appear in a virtual one.

  - VR in Manufacturing 

VR plays a significant role in the manufacturing industry due to its unique applications. Manufacturers of aerospace giants like Boeing or Airbus can use VR app development to eliminate the need for expensive and full-scale prototypes. Airbus uses VR technology that enables us to visualize the space inside the aircraft cabins for improving customer comfort while at the same time monitor factors like component maintenance and installation. 

  - VR in Data Visualization 

Data visualization has come a long way. Augmented and virtual reality made it possible to visualize graphics in 3D displays with ease. A US company created a virtual platform that merges artificial intelligence, big data, and virtual reality to offer detailed yet engaging data visualization techniques. 

Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business 

Both the immersive technologies can be used in varied industries depending upon the business requirements. When selecting between AR and VR, your goals and budget can guide you to the right market solution for your business idea. 

1. Evaluate Potential Obstacles 

For companies like entertainment industries can use virtual reality apps as a powerful marketing tool instead of the main product offering. Business owners who are investing in VR must focus their brand’s reputation as imaginative abs modern. Significant obstacles that you can face while implementing a high-quality VR experience are:

  • Do your customers have access to VR headsets or devices?
  • Are your customers interested to use VR devices?

While investing, you must know there aren’t many high-quality VR headsets available in the marketplace, and they tend to be super expensive.  

2. Engage Customers with VR Experience 

Since the beginning, VR devices are still out of reach due to unfamiliarity with the technology. If your customers haven’t experienced VR before, then it must be a splendid opportunity for you to entice your customers. The VR experience can be delivered through 360-degree videos or images which aren’t that expensive to record. With this, you not only can offer a delightful experience but also boost your ROI in a short time.

3. Look to AR for a Mass Audience 

VR installations are promising however, it won’t work with businesses that don’t have a brick-and-mortar store. Here, AR can play a wise role in providing highly creative alternatives. Besides gaming, AR can help sell products. By delivering an AR experience, you can help customers to visualize their products at their places before making a final purchase. It makes them satisfied with their buying process. 


While investing in any solution, it is wise to balance innovation with knowledge of your customer base. Besides these factors, you need to hire a reliable mobile app development company that has experience in delivering top-notch AR-VR solutions for excellent results later in the future. 

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