6 Advanced SEO Techniques for Better Ranking

Every business needs more traffic and better rankings to rise above the competition. The landscape of SEO is always changing, with new techniques emerging to help companies grow organic traffic. Google is improving its analyzes and ranks web pages, which plays a role in the organic listing. 

Some companies have faced problems in trying to attract traffic to their websites. However, a certified and experienced SEO agency can help them invest in advanced SEO techniques to retain and increase organic search presence. Here are the top six SEO techniques that can boost organic traffic.

1. Embed original images in the content

Embedding quality images is a requirement for advanced SEO techniques. Images bring the article to life and contribute to search ranking. When used correctly, images help readers understand the article by making it appealing. However, using stock images will not help with search rankings on Google. Having the same image as everyone else makes it harder for a new website to rank.

It is always better to use original images that are relevant to the content. Place the image near the relevant post and ensure it reflects the topic. The original image brings authenticity and commands control over the content. In case you don’t have authentic images, find unique photos that are genuine and relevant to the post. An alternative to using original images is to embed graphs or illustrations or try the animated gifs as an essential SEO ranking element.

2. Create comment sections on the blog

Commenting on blogs is a smart way to make the content interactive and drive traffic to the blog. The bog comments are additional content on the page, which fuels the discussion while also improving the site. These comments should offer something substantial to help with search rankings. More conversations on a blog translate to more popularity on the search engine.

Blog comments are an excellent opportunity for latent semantic indexing keywords that helps a blog page appear higher on the search engine results page. They act as synonyms for the main keywords on the blog post and increase chances of ranking. For example, if a user comments that the blog content is excellent, they contribute to the post’s ability to rank higher. Blog comments also build backlinks to the website. Links in the comments can act as backlinks that increase SEO ranking. 

3. Use featured snippet

An advanced SEO technique to use a featured snippet in the website to increase traffic. In SEO ranking, a featured snippet is a piece of information found on top of the search results, providing user search questions. This is an important SEO technique used to drive organic traffic to a website and improve its rank even without backlinks. Websites use featured snippets to draw user’s attention to the results page and prompt them to click on the site. For example, a snippet can be in the form of a paragraph, video, or numbered list that provides users with a direct response to their inquiry.

The featured snippets steal organic traffic from all other search results and present them to the user. They guide organic traffic by inviting more clicks to a website and increasing its SEO ranking.  The snippet tells a user about the basics; they will have to click to learn more than the given information. The content featured on the snippets is pulled from web pages in Google’s index.

4. Use semantically related keywords

A crucial SEO technique is to use semantically related keywords to build traffic. The semantic keywords have a higher impact on website ranking related to the primary keywords to gain relevant traffic. When search engines look for web pages to rank, they also identify the semantically related keywords that can serve more accurate results.

Including the content’s semantic keywords improves on-page SEO since it provides more contextual background on the topic. Search engines will connect the semantically related topics of the content and rank the site higher. When selecting semantically related keywords, opt for structured data and optimize content using topic clusters.

5. Build quality links

Building quality links is an essential factor in SEO ranking to drive organic traffic. Link building entails getting other websites to link back to your website and drive referral traffic.  Backlinks remain an important factor in search engines as they earn higher rankings. Quality is better than quantity when building links for a website. 

Today, the building of high-quality links is essential in competing and thriving online. These links signal to search engines that the site is a quality source of citation. Natural link-building from authoritative websites can significantly impact the rankings than a link from a small website. Your page is likely to rank higher for keywords if you get external websites to link to the page.  One way of building quality links is by using podcasts or other authoritative web pages. The link popularity is considered when determining how to rank pages.

6. Optimize for ‘people also ask.’

A crucial SEO technique is to use the ‘people also ask’ feature to answer the user’s search question questions. The search engine provides a clickable link to the source before each web page. It is an essential facet of SEO and content strategies that can increase traffic and visibility to a webpage.

The PAA box can appear in almost any position on the search engine and trigger the same answer to a user’s question. Once a user clicks on a question, the box expands to display a text snippet showing the text source’s URL. Adding the PAA feature on search engine optimization can help increase a standard organic ranking. 

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Bottom line

These SEO ranking tips can help businesses seeking to improve their website ranking and traffic. As SEO continues to evolve, marketers have to adapt to give their websites an edge over their competition. These SEO advanced techniques may seem complicated, but they all come down to creating more value for users. The tips should form a core part of SEO strategy.