For many computer users, Linux is still scary. But if we look a little closer, the commands used in Linux are relatively simple. It takes a little effort to get used to, but anyone would hardly like to click multiple icons for a simple task once that phase is over. In this brief, we will mention the ten most important Linux commands and their uses.
1. pwd: The "pwd" command helps to find the path of current working directory. Once executed, the command will return with absolute path details.
/pwd = /home/documents/UserFolder
2. cd: The "cd" command is used to navigate through folders or directories. We can either use the full pathname or just the name of the directory.
3. mkdir: We use "mkdir" to create a new directory inside the current directory (folder). To create a simple folder, we can use the line below
4. alias: The alias command lets the user apply names to a command. We can give more commands after the alias, so the system knows who is executing and which permissions are there before displaying output. Here, cls is the alias. It is another name for clear. We can set up many parameters with a pseudonym. It is one of the best commands to grasp and fun to use.
alias cls=clear
5. cat: The "cat" command is short for concentrate. In windows machine, we open a folder to view the contents of a folder. But in Linux, the cat command lists them in the terminal. The command can be followed by the contents of a directory. It accepts the working directory by default.
cat .bash_log_out
6. zip, unzip: The "zip" & "unzip" command lets us compress files into an archive. It uses the same methodology of windows compression or WinRAR, or 7zip software.
zip myDocuments
7. ping: We use this one frequently on literally all kinds of OS that support pinging. On the console, we can use this command to check the ping of a server or service.
ping google.com
8. get: The "get" command is pretty fun to use and helps install packages from everywhere. For a programmer or general user who wants to install additional resources, the get command is the best friend. The command below helps to install the Python package in our system.
$sudo apt-get install python3.6
9. find: It works similarly to the windows search option in explorer. Simply typing in find followed by the file information or name will search the system for that resource.
find. -name *actual_name*
10. exit: the exit command will close the terminal window, as simple as that. It can also close the running shell script or log out from an SSH session.
There are plenty of commands in Linux for getting familiarized. Finger, grep, history, kill are also a few important ones. It's going to need some practice at first, but in the end, it is worthy of learning. If you want to go beyond Linux and are interested in cyber security, take a look at these cyber security commands.