Gone are the days of chalkboards and abacuses in the classroom, now we use laptops and tablets. In addition to making your life as a teacher easier, coming up with novel uses for technology in the classroom may increase your students’ enthusiasm for class participation. Learn how educators can use technology in the classroom to create lesson plans more efficiently and engage students more effectively.
Hey Kids, Learning Is Fun!
Having students engage in certain subjects can be challenging because they might find it boring. They may do their busy work without learning anything from the books they read or the worksheet they complete. One way to combat their boredom is by introducing technology and playing certain games.
Gamifying lessons is a strategy more teachers try to incorporate into their classrooms. It’s not as if you’re going to play Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla to explain Nordic mythology, but other tools are available to bring Norse gods and goddesses to life. A Chromebook is perfect because it’s so versatile, allowing you to teach outside the box.
Field Trippin’ All Over the World
Acquiring permission slips and the funds necessary to go on a field trip will frustrate any teacher. But what if you could show your pupils the coolest things in the world without leaving the classroom?
Virtual field trips are gaining steam because of their convenience and low cost. Perhaps students on the east coast have never visited Seattle’s Space Needle. You can take them on a tour of one of America’s marvels with the right tools from thousands of miles away.
Worst-case scenario, you can fire up Streetview on the Chromebook, but there are comparable programs that will suit your needs.
Using Social Media as a Tool
We’re not saying you need to have your students like and subscribe to your YouTube channel, but you should consider using social media as a way to enhance your lesson plans. While this may not apply to elementary students, it’s safe to assume they are spending time on social media from middle school onward.
You can use a specific social media page to update links with resources and other pertinent details that some students may need to reference. A unique hashtag or setting up a classroom group is a good way to gather everyone while keeping your online anonymity private.
Learning From Your Mistakes
It helps to get feedback on your performance if you want to be the best educator possible. After all, you’re giving them grades on how well or poorly they do things, so they should have the same opportunity.
Rather than waiting until the end of the year to hand out a survey, allowing for anonymous online feedback can help you correct any flaws in your method sooner. Students may also feel more comfortable sharing their feelings this way because texting is the most common form of communication today, especially when it involves an element of the unknown.
It’s Like a Reward
There’s nothing wrong with offering an incentive for hasty thinkers who turn in quality work. Rather than have some students sit around twiddling their thumbs, you can set up a learning station to entertain them.
We’re not recommending you have an open computer for them to surf the web and watch their favorite Twitch streamers, but supplemental games or lessons can be enjoyable for many who want to quench their thirst for knowledge.
Learning how educators can use technology in the classroom can help teachers thrive in a demanding and empowering profession. Appreciating and embracing technology is a more resourceful way than restricting it, whether you’re an educator or have a child in school.